For the proper normal functioning of our body and for the strength of the body glucose acts as the head where insulin is the mediator that transfers all this in to the body tissues. when this insulin mediator became defective or deficit, it causes diabetes. In this modern era diabeters has become the captain of the non-communicable transfering diseases changing all the genetic charecter (altering life) inappropriate fooding, job tensions and lack of exercise all these leads to as a reason of diabetes.
A medicine is prepared by Ayurveda Vaidyan muthirayil Sri.P. Govinda panicker (member of Travancore medical council) as an Ayurveda formulation named diab life.
This is a combination of herbs like Ekanayakam, Karinglikathal, Nellikka, Maramajatholi, Tettambaral, Cheroola, Njavalkuru, Vengakathal, Njerinjil, Kiriyath, and padakizhangu. Diab life is 100% herbal Diab life is completely safe and also enhances the functioning of vital organs like Kidney, Liver, Pancreas and Brain and restores the immunity power.
With proper exercise and food style helps in diabetic management.
The effect of Ayurvedic medicine in biologically proven from the ancient times irrespective of men and women. But the modern life styles, industrialization, uncontrolled fast food, job related stress have changed women and men (humans) specially in psychosomatic type leads to paralysis of sexual drive. These leads to depressive disorders, defective reproductive and sexual abstinence.
Vaidyan Muthirayil Shri. P Govinda Panicker a registrered Ayurveda medical practitioner formulated an ayurvedicmedicine named Good life This is a combination of herbs like Nilapana, Naikuranaparippu, Aswagandha, Vayalchulli ari, Shathavari kizhangu, kattuzhunnu,Vizhalari, Adapothiyan kizhangu etc... makes the medicine unique in repair and functioning of reproductive system. Regular use establishs blood circulation to genital organs and makes the functioning possible. Well know to rejuvenating ability of all seven Dhathu’s specially reproductive.
Dibetic patient can also use this medicine.
The major source of energy for our body's daytoday activities are derived from the food we consume. Which are then got mixed with digestive enzymes and get converted into Sara and Kitta bhaga. According to Ayurveda the digestive power of a human body is Agnibala (digestive fire) - the ability to digest the food we consumes.
Untimely food , fried or foods having excessive oil content, excessive use of spices etc disturbs the digestive fire (Jataragni) and causes ulcer,acidity, constipation, gastric irritation, indigestion etc..
DEEPAN LIFE is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine formulated by the great Vaidyan Muthirayil Sri. P. Govinda panicker (Reg.No.1529 year 1945) with the Travancore Medical Council. Whose immense knowledge and experience helped in developing this wonderful medicine for digestive disorders including acidity and gastric irritation.
This medicine formulated medicinal herbs like Ayamoda, Chukku, Kayam, Kaduka, Induppu, Chavarkkaram, Jeerakam etc... All tese are very useful for digestion and food substance get separated to sarabhaga and kitta thus equilibrium of Dosa, dhatu and mala occurs.
Beautiful long and healthy hair adds some kind of personality to your image and naturally beautifies you. Infact strong haired people are beleived to have a healthy body. In ancient time too Keralites given more importance to the well being of their hair. Lack of nutrients from food (malnutrition) , stress, strain, etc. causes our hair loss and premature greying.
KUNTHALAKANTHI OIL is a 100 % proven cocunut oil based ayurvedic proprietary hair oil formulated by the great Vaidyan Muthirayil Sri. P. Govinda panicker (Reg.No.1529 year 1945) with the Travancore Medical Council. Whose immense knowledge and experience helped in developing this wonderful hair oil to protect you from hair loss, premature greying, dandruff etc. and promote new hair growth as well.
Kunthalakanthi hair oil is prepared for this hair loss by vaidyan muthirayil Sri. P. Govinda panicker a registered Ayurvedic practitioner with the travancore medical council.
The medicine is a mixture of juice of 21 drugs like kayyonni, brahmi, valliuzhinja, danthapala, kariveppila, mylanchi, neelamari, nellikka, chittamruthu etc. in unique o equal ratio. Regular use of this medicine will help in the increased blood circulation in the scalp. So as a result it promotes growth of new hair, control hair loss, dandruff, premature graying. It gives complete protection of hair.
According to ayurveda Tridosha, Dhathu, Mala are the basis of human body. Equilibrium or constant state of these leads to Arogya and its violation leads to disease. Among these Medas dhathu refers to the faulty tissues of the body. Medas dhathu relates to sebum (skin oil) and body neutrition. Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat , which increases the risk of many a health problems. Modern life style , uncontrolled fast food habits lack of excercise etc leads to sedimentation of excessive body fat.
Obechol Free is is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine developed by the great Vaidyan Muthirayil Sri. P. Govinda panicker (Reg.No.1529 year 1945) with the Travancore Medical Council. Whose vast knowledge and experience helped in developing this wonderful medicine for obecity.
This medicine is a combination of triphala, neermathalam, vizhalari, munja, aviltholi, venga, trikatu, turmeric etc. This medicine is helps to improve digestion , regulate fat and carbohydrates metabolisam, tunes up renal and excretory functions and regulate lipid and controls cholesterol.
It is important to lead a healthy life style while consuming the medicine for better results.
According to nature, a person achieve a meaningful life only when who is blessed with reproductive capability. In this modern world people enjoy all the luxuries and finacial benifits, but in the case of biological reproduction is concerned many are themselves helpless. In order to conceive it is important to have a healthy uterus, egg and correct sperm count. The cause of infertility may not be the same, but it could be due to modern life style, uncontrolled fast food habits, damaged overies, uterus, sperm count and motility, vericose veins, excessive use of alcoholic beverages, smoking etc.
Infert life is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine developed by the great Vaidyan Muthirayil Sri. P. Govinda panicker (Reg.No.1529 year 1945) with the Travancore Medical Council. Whose vast knowledge and experience helped in developing this wonderful medicine for infertility.
This medicine is a combination of Ayurvedic medicinal herbs like nayikuranaparippu, palmuthakk, amukkuram, satavari, nilappana, adapathiyan, kattuzhunnu, vayalchulli, njerinjil, karkidakashringi etc.. The combination helps in increased sperm count and ejaculation of sperms in males.In females it helps in hormone regulation, production of healthy ovum, regularising menstruation, and strengthen the uterus, results in conceiving.
Pranavata or Oxygen is maintaining the human life. This Pranavata is circulated to all parts of our body through blood. Food (ahara) in the forms of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates etc has different digestive process but ultimately nourishes the body cells. Blood carrying oxygen gets to the body needing energy, where the glucose is burnt in the presence of pranavata (dissolved) to provide energy in the form of heat, decomposing glucose into water and carbon dioxide.Water is absorbed and carbondioxide is expelled out from the body.
Modern life style, uncontrolled fast food habits lack of excercise etc leads to excessive fat accumulation in blood vessel resulting blood pressure.
SARPA LIFE is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine formulated by the great Vaidyan Muthirayil Sri. P. Govinda panicker (Reg.No.1529 year 1945) with the Travancore Medical Council. Whose immense knowledge and experience helped in developing this wonderful medicine for blood pressure.
This medicine is a combination of ayurvedic medicinal herbs like amalpuri, jadamanji, vayambu, brahmi, irattimadhuram, triphala, cheruthek, pushkaramoolam etc. - known herbals used to treat digestive disorders from ancient times.
It is important to lead a healthy life style while consuming the medicine for better results.
The major source of energy for our body's day-to-day activities is derived from only the food we consume. They then will get mixed with digestive enzymes and will get converted into Sara and Kitta bhaga. According to Ayurveda, the digestive power of a human body is Agnibala(digestive fire) - the ability to digest the food we consumes.
Improper consumption of food, fried foods having excessive oil content, excessive use of spices etc disturbs the digestive fire(Jataragni) and causes Ulcer, Acidity, Constipation, Bleeding, Piles, Haemorrhoids and Fistula.
Recta Cure is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine formulated by the great Vaidyan Muthirayil Sri. P.Govinda Panicker (Reg.No.1529 Year 1945 with the Travancore Medical Council). Whose immense knowledge and experience helped in developing this wonderful medicine for digestive disorders, Piles, Fistula, Bleeding, Haemorrhoids.
This medicine is a formulation of medicinal herbs like Ayamoda, Chukku, Koduthuva Veru, Padakizhangu, Muthanga, Aaviltholi, Kudakapalayari, Jeerakam etc. All these are very useful for digestion and food substance get separated to sarabhaga and Kitta thus equilibrium of dosha dhatu and mala takes place. The medicinal action is mainly relief from Piles, Bleeding, Fistula, Haemorrhoids.
Our body is made upon many bones and cartilages which gives a particular shape to the body also it provides a protective covering to the brain, heart, lungs etc. An adult have 206 bones in his/her body. Because of the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the body movements happen. In human body there are different kinds of muscle tissues. Regular exercise will help to maintain the normal tonicity of the muscular tissues. In the absence of physical exercise, it loses its normal tonicity and becomes weak. The main points of Sushumna Ida & Pingula nadi and the joining points of the nadi are marma. The area where the bones, muscles, veins and arteries are joints. Vata, Pitha, Kabha are the three Doshas. The equilibrium state of the doshas are known as Arogya(Health) and any variation in the state of equilibrium of these doshas leads to diseases.
Sree Govinda Panicker, who was member of Trivandrum Medical Council, with his vast knowledge in Ayurveda formulated a special drug formula mainly for Vada Roga(All types of Arthritis), Joint pain, Backpain etc. That is ‘Rheuma Life’. All kinds of chronic cases of Arthritis, Joint pains can be cured completely by use of Rheuma Life. Mainly the joint pain is due to dryness or inflammation of the Synovial Fluid. Use of Rheuma Life will help to reconstruct the synovial fluid and helps to reduce the associated problems like swelling, Inflammation etc of joints.
Maintaining a proper food habit & lifestyle will help the person to get rid of the diseases completely.
The normal body temperature of a healthy person comes 37oC yet it is quite natural that according to situation and circumstance. The above average rise in body temperature is the major symptom of fever.
Fever is not a disease but only a symptom of disease. In Ayurveda it is called "Jwaram". When affected by jerms attack our body will react to protect and preserve by itself and as a consequence fever appears. It also prevents the multiplication of jerms. On the basis of climatic changes as well as external reasons when illness appears it is considered as total intensive fever. Then it needs utmost care and proper treatment. The viral fever, bacteria affected fever (eg: Chickkun Gunia, Denki fever etc.,) should be seriously considered and inevitably requires proper timely treatment.
Muthirayil Sri. Govinda Panickar who was a member of Thiruvithamcore Medical council with his remarkable knowledge and experience in the realm of Ayurveda has developed a very effective medícine in this regard known as "Jwara Cure".
"Jwara Cure" is prepared with a lot of ingrediants such as dried ginger (Chukku), longpepper (Thippali), Pepper (kurumulagu), Cyper Aceae (Muthanga Kizhangu), Black-Cumin (Karinjeerakam), galnut (Kadukka), Kudakapalayari, Crataeva-root (Koovalaveru), Parpatakappullu, Chitamruthu, bark of medicinal Creeper (Maramanaltholi root of putharichanda), Cherutekku etc and it is proved to be much effective in curing fever, head-ache, and fever-affected joint pain. If "Jwara-cure" is properly and orderly used, all fever effected illness will be cured. High fever will badily cause issues to our brain and various cells of our body hence as a result it will affect our mental health also.
Maintaining a proper food habit & lifestyle will help the person to get rid of the diseases completely.